Search for Organization

  • {{}}
Islamic Center of PflugervilleIslamic Center of Pflugerville
Your payment information is secured by

{{ companies.length > 0 ? companies.length:'No' }} Organization{{ companies.length>1&&companies.length!=0?'s':'' }} Found

Can't find your non profit?


EIN: {{company.ein}}

{{ }}

EIN: {{chosenCompanyData.ein}}

About the organization



Set Minimum and Maximum amounts

This amount will be donated every Friday. You can always adjust your amounts later in settings.

organization selected

{{ }}

organization selected

{{ }}

Round Up Source

We recommend you to link your most frequently used payment method so that you can maximize the number of transactions that get rounded for sadaqah through out the week. BlessingUP has partnered with Plaid (a Visa Company) to make this process secure and your privacy protected."

organization selected

{{ }}

Donation Source

Please provide a donation source by connecting a bank account as bank withdrawals are ~70% cheaper than credit card fees for micro donations.

All setup!

See Barakah in all your purchases